Mind Bending

Hello everybody! I know I have been absent lately, but this posts title summarizes everything: Finally Mind Bending has its own domain. Sounds simple but it gave me a good headache because the way that my blog is installed and hosted. This gave me so much trouble that I’m writing an article explaining how to do it, even because other people may be facing the same problem.

Mind Bending Logo

Do not worry because the old address is being redirected to here, but that would be nice if this blog partners update their banners :). As for RSS readers I apologize because FeedBurner re-indexed it all and ended up generating updates for some old items. I also ask for visitors if they stumble to something strange or any notice any mistake, please let me know so I can correct it as soon as possible.

I apologize again for the lack of update, but I just couldn’t write without remembering that purchased and unused domain (and also because my Post Graduation essays). But do not worry, I have some articles already prepared, soon you’re going to see some interesting topics here.

Until then…



Graduated in Telecommunication Engineering, but currently working with GNU/Linux infrastructure and in the spare time I'm an Open Source programmer (Python and C), a drawer and author in the Mind Bending Blog.


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