Mind Bending

Empathy is receiving a new and beautiful icon. Since the first release Empathy was using the Telepathy logo as an icon.

New Empathy Icon

According to this Bug Report, the old icon suffers from different problems like:

  • doesn’t make it clear what Empathy does;
  • Uses body parts which is against GNOME’s Icon Guidelines;
  • Implies that Empathy is Telepathy, which is a lie.

I kind of agree about it but I really liked the old icon. But if Gnome Guidelines says to change, we change. I strongly recommend to red the Bug Report in witch the new icon was proposed, there are a lot of nice other icons there beyond some cross-reference like, the Telepahty icon resembles this Pulp Fiction scene at 1min and 38sec. Now look this:

Telepathy Pulp Fiction


Graduated in Telecommunication Engineering, but currently working with GNU/Linux infrastructure and in the spare time I'm an Open Source programmer (Python and C), a drawer and author in the Mind Bending Blog.


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