Hello everybody!
I know I owe several articles here, but definitely I have to write about what I saw on the internet today! First of all, everybody meets Joey. What about him? Well, I’ll explain in just one image …
He is organizing the VimConf, a virtual conference for VIM lovers from all around the world! Why, it looks like I’m the only one excited with this?
Well, Let me explain. He (Joey), like me, is a VIM user and fan. The difference is that he came up with the great idea of an online live streaming conference with other VIM nerd users! So far nothing is set up or explained, since the creator is still waiting for the subscribers numbers to confirm something. So if you’re just a curious about this wonderful editor, a novice user, an experienced hacker or (why not) this editor creator, I suggest you sign up in this link and help Joey in his endeavor, let’s show him how much we thank him for having this great idea. The only prerequisite is to have Internet access and understand English.
For more informations about VimConf follow @vimconf in twitter.
Untill then…
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